1st VM call in GP3
21/02/2022Virtual Mobility (VM)
Grants are aimed at strengthening the existing networks by allowing scientists
to foster collaboration in a virtual setting among researchers or innovators
within the COST Action, to exchange knowledge, learn new techniques,
disseminate the Action results, etc.
Examples of activities that can be performed by the VM
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Virtual Mentoring scheme,
with special focus on activities and exchanges that can generate capacity
building and new skills, particularly for Young Researchers and Innovators
(i.e. mana-gerial skills, methodological skills, communication skills, etc.)
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Supporting harmonization
and standardization of methods and procedures within the Action networking
- · Supporting the
implementation of research coordination related activities that do not
neces-sarily require in-person presence (i.e. computational/modelling
activities, data analysis, etc.)
The grant provides a
contribution for the overall effort, not necessarily covered by an employer or
by a Grant Holder Institution. The maximum amount of support for VM is 1500
Application is open until 15th of April 2022
You can find detailed
information about the call and the application procedure on our official
If you have any questions, please contact our Virtual Networking Support Manager Anna Brüstle at anna-katharina.bruestle(at)geologie.ac.at