Call for applications concerning grants offered in Grant Period 5

12/12/2023 Our COST Action Geothermal-DHC is reaching it's end at 14th of April 2024 and invites everybody to apply for our open calls in Grant Period 5.
Grants can be started right after the formal approval via eCOST. 

The following table lists the collection dates for each call: 

Geothermal-DHC priority calls (all types of Grants)

15-01-2024, 17:00 CET (call 1), follow-up calls may be put in place

Virtual Mobility Grant (VM Grant)

31-01-2024, 17:00 CET (call 1), follow-up calls may be put in place

ITC Conference Grant

Continuous collection until 01-03-2024 on availability of funds

Dissemination Conference Grant

Continuous collection until 01-03-2024 on availability of funds

Financial publication support

Continuous collection until 01-03-2024 on availability of funds

Please have a look at the GP5 Call-guide for more details on the topics and the application procedure as well as the links to application templates.